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We imagine a future where humans and digital workers

We understand that digital workers are a controversial topic yet it's a pivotal element of the next industrial revolution - an era of transformation we can either embrace or overlook. Choosing to embrace it, we see an opportunity to level the playing field for small businesses, giving them access to top-tier talent and bespoke tech solutions, that small businesses desperately need.

Agent Lunar imagines a future where humans and digital workers unite, advancing society and fostering inclusive economic prosperity.

Why we exist

We get it: Digital marketing for small businesses can feel like falling down a rabbit hole without ever making it to Wonderland. With Agent Lunar, we want to take the fear of the unknown and turn it into something that anyone can understand and control, with minimal hassle so they can work on what matters most: running their business.

Lunar is here to give small businesses access to the marketing they deserve, because the underdogs deserve their moment in the spotlight too. By cutting through the noise and simplifying the concept, we’re empowering these small businesses to elevate their voice and dream bigger, because what would our society be without them?

Our future

Just like you, we have big dreams too. We want to become the go-to digital marketing hub for small businesses, making sure they have access to top-notch marketing tools, expertise, and know-how, no matter their size or budget. We’re all about making digital marketing accessible and effective for everyone, whether they’re selling online or bringing life back to the high street. 
Community is at the heart of our vision, and we believe small businesses are the key.

Join the journey!


We democratise digital marketing, so every SMB can thrive online, and on the high street.

  • Customers first, always
  • Championing the underdogs
  • Making the complicated simple
  • Quantity is cool, but quality is better
  • Community-first vibe
  • Smart tech, and even
  • smarter impact
Meet the co-founders 

Love what we do with people we love

From a snug little village in Northern England to the open fields of a South Australian farm, Dominique and William first crossed paths in a classroom. The moment that kickstarted their journey was an assignment that’s still their favorite icebreaker (seriously, ask them about it over a coffee). While they both learned valuable lessons from the suit-and-tie crowd, they always remembered their community roots. Now, as co-founders, they channel that enthusiasm into empowering small businesses. 
The best part? No more suits!
Dominique Harrison-Bentzen
Co-Founder & Co-CEO | Strategy & Marketing
William Stone
Co-Founder & Co-CEO | Business & Finance
Agent Lunar
Virtual founder & CMO